
Children and their right to the city


Participação do CRiCity no CONLAB 2021

Eunice Castro Seixas (IR do CRiCity) participou no  XIV Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro (CONLAB 2021) e 3º Congresso da Associação Internacional de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Língua Portuguesa “Utopias pós-crise. Artes e saberes em movimento”, que decorreu entre 15 e 17 de Setembro (online).

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Presentations at the XV ESA Congress

CRiCity Researchers presented their findings in the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association, “Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures”, held in Barcelona, Spain (online), from 31 August – 3 September 2021.

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