SOCIUS Members

Marta Pedro Varanda

Personal Data

Name: Marta Pedro Varanda

Academic Degrees

Doctor in Sociology – University of Lille I (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille – Faculté des Sciences Économiques et Sociales).
Master of Arts in Sociology of Organizations – University of South Carolina.
Bachelor of Science – Eastern Michigan University, 1986-1989.
1st year undergraduate level in Sociology completed at ISCTE, 1984-1985.

Current Professional Activity

Assistant Professor at the Sociology Section/Social Sciences Department, ISEG (School of Economics and Management) / UL (University of Lisbon), 2014.

Domains of Research

Public policy implementation, Governance of hydrological resources, Public participation in the management of water resources, Adaptation to climate change, Social network analysis, Collective action, Interdisciplinarity, LInkage science –practice, Social economy/Third sector organisations.

Relevant Publications

Varanda, M., Carvalho, F. (in print ) Information transmission of a policy program: models for the optimal detection of key players, The Journal of Mathematical Sociology.

Varanda, M., Iniesta Arandia, I., (in print) Avances y promesas en el estudio de la gobernanza de los sistemas socio-ecológicos mediante el análisis de redes sociales [The study of socio-ecological systems governance based on the social network analysis approach: advances and promises ], in Conectados por redes sociales. Introducción al Análisis de Redes Sociales y Casos prácticos ,  Miguel del Fresno, Pilar Marqués y David S. Paunero (eds.), Editorial UOC.

Varanda, M. , Fontes, B., Rego, R., Eichner, K., (in print )   A análise de redes sociais e ação coletiva  : a comunidade científica de analistas de redes lusófonos [ Social network analysis adn collective action : the scientific community of lusophone social network analysts ]  in Maria Inês Tomael e Regina Marteleto (eds.) "Informação e Redes Sociais: interfaces de teorias, métodos e objetos",  EDUEL - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL).

Varanda, M., Rego, R., Breno, F. Eichner, K., (2012) A análise de redes sociais no mundo lusófono: contributos para o conhecimento de um campo científico em desenvolvimento [ Social network analysis in the lusophone world: contributions to the knowledge of a developing scientific field] , Revista REDES, nº 22 ,  July

Faysse • J.-D. Rinaudo • S. Bento • A. Richard-Ferroudji • M. Errahj • M. Varanda • A. Imache • M. Dionnet • D. Rollin • P. Garin • M. Kuper • L. Maton • M. Montginoul, Participatory analysis for adaptation to climate change in Mediterranean agricultural systems: possible choices in process design,  Regional Environmental Change, Online First, 20 October 2012 (DOI 10.1007/s10113-012-0362-x).

Curriculum CV