
Course in Japanese Language and Culture (online)

Program (Level A1):
 - Vocabulary: basic expressions, greetings, numbers, colors, counts;
 - Hiragana alphabet;
 - Basics of pronunciation;
 - Introduction to the culture and customs of Japan.

Professor: Etsuko Motoki

Professor Etsuko Motoki has been responsible for the Japanese Language and Culture Course at SOCIUS since 2005. Her native language is Japanese and she is a professor recognized by the Japanese Embassy in Portugal. Since 2005, he has been teaching in several schools in Lisbon. She collaborated as a Japanese language translator in several films by Portuguese directors.

Duration (each level): 42h
Schedule: daytime or after-work
Start-date: to be defined with the student

A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
s - Quadro Europeu Comum de Referencia para as Linguas: Aprendizagem, Ensino, Avaliação (QECR)  

At the end of each level a certificate is issued by SOCIUS/ISEG-ULisboa.

General public of all ages, students, teachers, researchers, entrepreneurs and all professionals with an interest in the area.

Pack 42h: 630€ (w/ discount: 570€*)
Pack 24h: 360€ (w/ discount: 326€*)
Pack 12h: 180€ (w/ discount: 163€*)
Pack 6h: 90€ (w/ discount: 81€*)

*Discount: the discounted values are only applied to new students, throughout the frequency of the first complete level (42h)

- The course fees are paid through the packs with hours of classes, available above;
- After the registration confirmation, to start the course, you must purchase one of these packs;
- After finishing the hours of the current pack, you must purchase a new pack to continue the course;
- There is no obligation to purchase always the same pack (number of hours);
- Classes are scheduled by the Teacher, according to the Student's availability;
- The cancellation of a scheduled class must be done up to 12 hours before the scheduled date (otherwise the class time is deducted from the current pack);
- Each pack with hours of classes is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase;
- After passing the level, you must submit a new registration form, without taking advantage of the new student discount.

Bank transfer to SOCIUS IBAN: PT50 0035 0371 00004324 830 29

Do your registration here: REGISTRATION

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