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Financial Outsiders: The Political Economy of Marginal and Alternative Financial TrajectoriesThis project intends to study the relationships that subjects outside or on the margins of the mainstream financial and banking system maintain with money and finance. Given the social pervasiveness of this system, such margins are not easy to find. The cases to be explored are intentionally diverse, including recently arrived refugees, homeless people, incarcerated people and unbanked persons who have voluntarily exited (or tried to exit) the financial system. The objectives are the following:
PROPONENT INSTITUTION: SOCIUS - Research Centre for Economic and Organisational Sociology at CSG/ISEG-ULisboa INSTITUTIONAL COLLABORATION: ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa - Centro de Estudos sobre a Mudança Socioeconómica e o Território TEAM: Daniel Seabra Lopes (Head) FUNDING: FCT Ref. 2022.09141.PTDC |
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