
Past Events




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    • PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, Seminar "As concepções de risco em processos de peritagem científica marcados pelo conflito", Helena Jerónimo, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 11 December, 2008.

    • Launching of the book "Médicos e Poder. Transplantação Hepática e Tecnocracias", Helena Serra (SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL), Almedina Ed., Foundation for the Development of Economical Financial and Business Sciences, 10th December, 2008.

    • Techno-science, Risk and Responsability Conferences, "La Dimensión Ambiental en la Teoría Sociológica", José Esteban de Castro (Newcastle Univ. U.K.), ICS-UL and SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 27th October, 2008.

    • Techno-science, Risk and Responsability Conferences, "Relevancia de los journals en la difusión de la investigación en ciencias sociales", David Fernandéz Quijada (Univ. Autónoma of Barcelona), ICS-UL and SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 24th October, 2008.

    • Seminar “Contextual Factors of Poverty and Privation”, PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 28th May, 2008.

    • Seminar “The Ilhéus/Itabuna-Axes Cacueira Region”, PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 26th May, 2008.

    • Launching of the book "Como fazer um doutoramento?", Emília Araújo and Sofia Bento (Org.), CICS/ Univ. Minho and SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 23th May, 2008.

    • Seminar “High Status Deviance or Conformity?”, PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 14th May, 2008.

    • Seminar “Economic Behaviour and Cognition”, PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 8th May, 2008.

    • Seminar “Industrial Relations and Labour Law”, PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 14th April, 2008.

    • Seminar “Modelização da Inserção Profissional em Contexto de Formação Qualificante”, Miguel Justiniano Baião dos Santos ( ISEG-UTL), PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 9th April 2008.

    • Seminar “The Trends and Tasks of Sociology in the face of contemporary science and technology”, PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 12th March, 2008.

    • Seminar “Sustainable Development and Companies Social Responsibility”, PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 9th January, 2008.


    • Seminar "Os contornos do Emprego e do Trabalho na Economia Social na Grande Área Metropolitana de Viseu", PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 3rd December 2007.

    • 1st Portuguese Conference "Increasing Awareness of Workplace Bullying", SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 28th & 30th November 2007.

    • Seminar “Trust and Credit in 19th Century USA”, Prof. Bruce Carruthers (Northwestern University – USA), PhD Programme in Economic and Organisational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 18th October 2007.

    • 1st Encounter of Social Network Analysts, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL; 28th & 29th June 2007.

    • 3rd Workshop of Social Network Analysts, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 25th, 26th & 27th June 2007.

    • Seminar "Social ecology and integral education: an analysis of the socio-environmental impacts of Regional Integration of the South American Infrastructure” (IIRSA)". Fernando Bomfim Mariana (Joint PhD with the USP), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 18th June 2007.

    • Seminar “Performativity and embeddedness in Sociology of Finances”, Prof. Rafael Marques (ISEG-UTL), PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 6th June 2007.

    • Seminar “The Brazilian Administration Studies Programme - ABRAS: Prospects of strengthening an old tie.”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 5th June 2007.

    • International Seminar “TIC, Work Organization, Skills and Employability”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 4th June 2007.

    • Seminar “Sociology of Markets”, Prof. Neil Fligstein (University of California –USA), PhD Programme in Economic and Organisational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 21st May 2007.

    • Seminar “Heteroglobalization: stories of global diversity”, Maria Cristina Manische (UFPA), Ida Lenir Gonçalves (UEPA), Ana Calapez Gomes (Socius PhD student), 9th May 2007.

    • Seminar “Diversity of traditions in economic sociology: path-dependency and/or path-creation?””, Prof. João Carlos Graça (ISEG-UTL), PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 21st May 2007.

    • Seminar “Libertarian thought, forms of terrorism and tolerance”, Prof. João Carlos Graça (ISEG-UTL), Prof. Edson Passetti (PUC-SP), PhD Programme in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 16th April 2007.

    • International Seminar on “PhD graduation: from practice to research policy School of Social Sciences”, University of Minho, Braga, SOCIUS/ISEG/UTL, 26th March 2007.

    • Seminar “New migrations in Portugal: labour markets, traffic and government segmentation”, Prof. João Peixoto (ISEG-UTL), PhD Programme in Economic and Organisational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 21st March 2007.

    • Seminar “Organisational Studies from a Brazilian Perspective – the possibilities and challenges of contributing to the Theory of Organisations” 1st March 2007.

    • Seminar “Representations of the Role of the State, of the Market and of the non profit-making sector in economic life”, Prof. João Freire (ISCTE), PhD Programme in Economic and Organisational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 28th February 2007.

    • Discussion Forum on Human Resources & Innovation “How can human resources management dynamize innovation in organizations?”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL/NIPOG, 16th February 2007.

    • Seminar “Employment Flexibility: ambiguities and problems”, Prof. Ilona Kovács, (ISEG-UTL), PhD Programme in Economic and Organisational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 15th February 2007.

    • Seminar “Crossroads of development”, António Simões Lopes, Emeritus professor of ISEG-UTL, PhD Programme in Economic and Organisational Sociology, SOCIU/ISEG-UTL, 30th January 2007


    • Seminar and presentation of the Book “Inclusion and Exclusion: The multiple facets of Brazilian education”. Prof. Beatriz Regina Pereira Saeta, the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 14th November 2006

    • Seminar “Is economics performative? Option theory and construction of derivates markets” Prof. Donald Mackenzie (Univ. of Edinburgh UK), PhD Programme in Economic and Organisational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 9th November 2006

    • Seminar “Elements to develop a Research Network – Action Focusing Sustainability of the Productive Fishing Chain - Brazil/Portugal”. Professors Sidney Lianza and Fernando Amorim (SOLTEC/UFRJ), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 30th October 2006.

    • Seminar “Professions, trust and governance: New Technologies of building trust in healthcare”, Prof. Helen Kulmann (Univ. of Bremen – Germany), Trust Project/FCT/ PhD Programme in Economic and Organisational Sociology, , SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 26th October 2006.

    • Interim Conference: Economic Sociology, old problems and new approaches, ESA, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 6th, 7th & 8th September 2006

    • Interim Conference: Gender Relations in the Labour Market and the Welfare State, ESA. SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 6th, 7th & 8th September 2006.

    • Seminar “A public share in the risk society”, Prof. João Arriscado Nunes (CES-FEUC) PhD Programme in Economic and Organisational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 30th May 2006

    • Seminar “Intervention research in the productive chain of fishing in Macaé - Rio de Janeiro”, Prof. Sidney Lianza (SOLTEC/UFRJ), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 3rd May 2006

    • Seminar “The toolkit of economic sociology”, Prof. Richard Swedberg (Cornell Univ. Ithaca-EUA), ) PhD Programme in Economic and Organisational Sociology, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 23rd March 2006

    • Seminar “Human Resources Management: Diversity & Crisis – A Contemporary Focus”, Prof. Allan Claudius Queiroz Barbosa (FACE-UFMG), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 22nd February 2006

    • International Workshop on “Changes in Work and Employment in the Context of Economic Reestructuring in Brazil”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 17th February 2006

    • Seminar “Alternative Approaches to the study of social capital”, Prof. Sokratis Koniordos (University of Crete-Greece), PhD Programme in Economic Sociology and Sociology of Organisations, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 16th February 2006, ISEG


    • Seminar “Sustainable Development and the Responsible Enterprise, Fair Practices and Benchmarking”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 11th November 2005.

    • 2nd Brazil/Portugal Seminar “Internationalization of Companies, Organisations and Human Resources Management”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 10th & 11th November 2005.

    • Seminar within the project “Trust Society: The Social Construction of Trust in Portugal”, line of research: Organisations, Marta Varanda & Helena Serra, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 13th October 2005.

    • Seminar within the project “Trust Society: The Social Construction of the Trust in Portugal” – “From social to economic capital in building and public works in Portugal”, “Politics and Trust”, lines of research: Political System and Social Construction of Value, Diogo Cotta and Bruno Gonçalves, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 25th July 2005.

    • 2nd Workshop on the Introduction to the Analysis of Social Networks, Prof. Rafael Wittek (University of Groningen), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 22nd to 24th June 2005

    • Seminar “LINKS – Social Innovation and Creative Means ", Isabel André, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 20th June 2005.

    • Seminar “The University and its relations with Organised Society: Latin-American Higher Education Institutions”, Prof. Pedro Antônio Melo (UFSC), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 18th May 2005.

    • Seminar within the project “Trust Society: The Social Construction of the Trust in Portugal”- “The Arc of Trust: Breaking Points, Forms of Conversion and Diffuse Processes”, Rafael Marques, lines of research: Political System and Social Construction of Value, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 13th May 2005.

    • Seminar “Outsourcing in the Clothing Industry, Norm and Practice: Comparative study of Brazil-Portugal”, Prof. Clarilton Ribas (UFSC), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 14th April 2005.

    • Seminar “Organisational Commitment and its relationship to output at work and to the worker’s quitting behaviour”, Prof. Maria Elena Zelando Rodríguez , SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL , 11th April 2005.

    • Discussion Group “The Labour Code (Over) a Year Later: realities and perspectives”, António Garcia Pereira, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 6th April 2005.

    • Seminar “Migratory Trajectories: the case of Ecuadorians who have migrated to Murcia”, Prof. Renzo Stroscio (IUED-University of Geneva), PhD Programme in Economic Sociology and Sociology of Organisations, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 6th April 2005.

    • Workshop “The Restructuring of business enterprises, work and employment”, Project GRICES/CAPES, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 15th February 2005.

    • Seminar "The Market as Seen by Economic Sociology, Prof. Philippe Steiner (University of Dauphine), PhD Programme in Economic Sociology and Sociology of Organisations, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 20th January 2005.


    • Workshop “Women Migrants: Work Trajectories and Modes of Socio-Economic Insertion of Female Immigrants in Portugal”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 4th November 2004.

    • Seminar within the project “Trust Society: The Social Construction of the Trust in Portugal”, line of research: Space and Social Relations, Rita Raposo and João Peixoto, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 2nd November 2004.

    • Seminar “Portuguese Immigration in S. Paulo – Brazil”, Prof. Maria Aparecida Macedo Pascal (Mackensie Presbyterian University), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 8th September 2004.

    • Seminar within the project “Trust Society: The Social Construction of the Trust in Portugal”- From social capital to economic capital in Building and public works in Portugal”, line of research: Political System and Social Construction of Value, Isabel Castro, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 21st July 2004.

    • Conference “Changing Japanese Economy and Changing Japanese Society”, Prof.. Shinji Yamada (University of Tokyo), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 29th June 2004.

    • Seminary within the project “Trust Society: The Social Construction of Trust in Portugal”- “Politics and Trust”, line of research: Political System and Social Construction of Value, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, José Maria Carvalho Ferreira, João Carlos Graça, João Carlos Lopes and Rafael Marques, 9th June 2004.

    • International Workshop within the project “Study of the Trajectory of the Alqueva Dam: For an analysis of the technological controversies” - “Health, Nature and Expertise”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL , I 7th & 18th June 2004

    • Seminar within the project Flexible Forms of Work and Employment: Risks and Opportunities” Ilona Kovacs, Sara Falcão and Juan José Castillo, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 26th May 2004.

    • Seminar within the project “Trust Society: The Social Construction of the Trust in Portugal” - “Hospital organisations”, line of research: organisations, Marta Varanda & Helena Serra, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 4th May 2004.

    • Seminar within the project “Trust Society: The Social Construction of the Trust in Portugal” – “The case of co-incineration in Portugal”, line of research Science and Technology, Helena Jerónimo, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 31st March 2004.

    • Seminar within the project “Trust Society: The Social Construction of the Trust in Portugal” – “Between trust and uncertainty: the role of science in political decisions", line of research: Political System and Social Construction of Value, Rafael Marques, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 27th February 2004

    • Seminar within the project “Trust Society: The Social Construction of the Trust in Portugal” – “Faith, Trust and Trustworthiness:: Preliminary debates”, line of research Political System and Social Construction of Value, Rafael Marques, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 20th February 2004.

    • Workshop “Introduction to Social Network Analysis”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 2 a 5th February 2004.


    • Workshop “Women and Employment”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 20th November 2003.

    • Workshop within the Project "Work and Employment transformations in the context of economic reconstruction” – Productive restructuring, flexibilization of employment and new forms of management”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 6th November 2003.

    • Workshop “The employment crisis”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 23rd October 2003.

    • Workshop “An Analysis of Social Networks”, SOCIUS/ISEG –UTL, 23rd-27th June 2003.

    • Workshop “An Organisational Model of a University Public Hospital: the case of Niteroi”- Mercêdes Berenger (doctoral student specializing in Economic and Organisational Sociology), SOCIUS/ISEG –UTL , 6th June 2003.

    • Workshop “Civil Society, Democracy and Racism in Brazil” - Bernd Reiter (PhD) - SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 29th May 2003.


    • Seminar "Productive Restructuring and its Implications in the World of Work ", SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 5th November 2002.

    • Seminar "Networks In Organisations - Causes, Dynamics and Consequences", Prof. Rafael Wittek (University of Groningen), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL 20th May 2002.

    • Seminar "The problem of collective action among small entrepreneurs: selective incentives versus embeddedness”, Marta Varanda, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL 18th March 2002.

    • Seminar included in the visit by students of Sociology from the University of Warwick – United Kingdom. "The future of work - a gender perspective", SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 14th March 2002.


    • International Discussion Group - " The Latin Model of Social Protection: Reflections on the Welfare State in Portugal, Spain and Brazil”, SOCIUS/CISEP/CEDIN/ISEG-UTL, 20th & 21st September 2001. At this Discussion Group, which took place at ISEG, several dozen researchers from Spain, Brazil and Portugal participated.

    • Seminar “City Crisis and Work Fetish” Cláudio Duarte, Caio de Mello, Maria Luísa Fontenele and Socorro Saldanha, SOCIUS/ISEG/UTL, 5th June 2001.

    • Seminar “The Socio-Cultural Mediator”, SOCIUS/CEFEM/ACMJ, ISEG-UTL, 29th June 2001.


    • Seminar " The Topicality of Economic Sociology”, , Prof. Philipe Steiner (University of Lille), SOCIUS/ISEG/UTL, 15th May 2000.

    • Seminar "Social and Economic Aspects in the Formation of Modern Japanese Thought”, Prof. José Júlio Rodrigues (University of Kyôto), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 16th March 2000..

    • Seminar "What Does Sociology Contribute to the Understanding of the Economy?”, Prof. Jens Beckert (Max Planch Institute – Cologne), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL.


    • Seminar "José Frederico Laranjo: Law, Sociology and Economics", João Carlos Graça, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, November 1999.

    • Workshop “Globalization: work, citizenship and multiculturalism”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL/UFSC, 9th November 1999.

    • Seminar "The Globalization Process within Italian Industrial Districts - the Case of Prato", Prof. Mark Lazerson (Catholic University- Oporto), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, July 1999.

    • Seminar “Manipulation of Public Opinion”, Prof. Luís Nandin de Carvalho, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, Lisbon, 25th May 1999.

    • Seminar “The Topical Nature of Karl Polanyi for Economic Thought” – Prof. Armando Mello Lisboa SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 18th May 1999.

    • Seminar "Sociology of Work in the USA", Prof. Daniel Cornfield (Vanderbilt University - USA), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, March 1999.

    • Seminar for research on "Research in Labour Relations", SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, March 1999.

    • Support to the 2nd International Conference on Social Ecology and its Political Perspectives, which took place in Vermont, USA, in August 1999.

    • Support to organising of the VIIIth National Meeting of Industrial, Organisational and Work Sociology (APSIOT), which took place in Lisbon on 4th & 5th March 1999.

    • Support to the International Discussion Group on the Libertarian Perspective on the Threshold of the 21st century, which took place in France, in 1999


    • In 1998, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL organized the International Conference on Social and Political Ecology, in collaboration with the Department of Sociology of ISCTE. The Conference took place at ISEG, between 26th-28th August 1998. The central theme of this conference focussed on the work of Murray Bookchin and the topical nature of Libertarian Municipalism in the context of contemporary societies. Several dozen Portuguese and foreign researchers attended the meeting.

    • In 1998, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL launched a large-scale scientific meeting. The First Portuguese Congress of Economic Sociology. The Congress took place in Lisbon in the facilities of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, between 4th-6th March 1998. A number of social scientists from Portugal and abroad were present. They are authors of outstanding works in the area of Economic Sociology or related subjects and, overall, the participants totalled around 600. Among the foreign scientists there was Richard Swedberg, Neil Fligstein, Mitchell Abolafia, Nicole Woolsey Biggart, Philippe Steiner and Nigel Dodd (it was also anticipated that Mancur Olson would be present, but he died prior to the event). The Portuguese scientists came from several universities and national research centres, representing sociology, economics and a host of thematic research fields.


    • Seminar "The Power-Knowledge Relationship in the Organisation of the Cafuza Community – the José Boiteux Municipality”, Prof. Marcos Rodrigues da Silva (PhD student specializing in Economic and Organisational Sociology), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, Lisbon, 7th February 1997.


    • Discussion Group/Debate on the theme "Politics and Media", SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 9th December 1996.

    • Workshop - "New Production Models: Socio-Organisational Studies of Chaos in Portuguese Industry”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 23rd January 1996.


    • Workshop -"Between Economics and Sociology: Theories and Perspectives of Analysis", SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 26th January 1995.


    • Conference "Production and Space Organisation in Spanish Industry: Cases of the Automotive, Electronics and Furniture Sectors", Prof. Juan José Castillo (Complutense University, Madrid), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 28th November 1994.

    • Workshop - "New Production Models", SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 25th October 1994.

    • Conference "The European Union Treaty (EUT) and the Issue of Sovereignty", António Carlos Santos, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 6th June 1994.

    • Conference "The Theoretical Model of Economic Sociology", Prof. Manuel Villaverde Cabral (ICS), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 17th May 1994.

    • Workshop "Groupware (software for working groups) and Organisational Change: New Challenges for Management", SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL e CITI/INETI, 5th May 1994.

    • Conference "Economic and Social Cohesion: The Evolution Prospective of Labour Relations in Portugal and Europe", Dr. Barros de Moura SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 18th April 1994

    • Conference "The Present World of Labour Relations and the Portuguese Trade Union Movement Perspective” Dr. Arnaldo Matos SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 21st March 1994.

    • Conference "Justice, Law and the Citizen: An Impossible Dialogue?”, António Garcia Pereira, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 21st February 1994.


    • Seminar "At the Birth of Political Economics and Sociology: social ideas in the age of enlightenment” João Carlos Graça, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 15th June 1993

    • Seminar "Indian Community Networks in Portugal and Mozambique, Anabela Carvalho, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 15th June 1993.

    • Seminar "Evolution of the Theory of Organisations ", SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, J. M. Carvalho Ferreira, Rita Raposo and Rafael Marques, 25th May 1993.

    • Seminar "Working conditions in Portuguese banking”, Maria João Costa Pereira, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 16th May 1993.

    • Seminar "Work organisation in Portuguese industrial enterprises”, Ilona Kovács, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 4th May 1993.

    • Seminar "Working conditions in Portuguese banking”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 16th March 1993.

    • Seminar "Migrations and Mobility: new forms of Portuguese emigration from 1980", João Peixoto, SOCIUSISEG-UTL, 16th February 1993.

    • Seminar "Polyvalence of socio-professional categories: the juridical and functional framework, António Garcia Pereira, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 26th January 1993

    • Seminar "The diffuse process of industrialization in the north of Portugal”, Maria João Santos, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 5th January 1993.


    • Seminar "Labour Constitutionalism or anti-constitutionalism", SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, António Garcia Pereira, 15th December 1992.

    • Seminar "The diffuse industrialization processes in the north of Portugal”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 9th June 1992.

    • Seminar "Anthropocentric strategy and the new productive paradigm”, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, Ilona Kovács, 5th May 1992.

    • Seminar "Assessment of work capacity and worker inadaptation ", António Garcia Pereira, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 7th April 1992.

    • Seminar “Processes of decision-making the delegation of powers in organisations”, J. M. Carvalho Ferreira, Rita Raposo and Rafael Marques, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 24th March 1992.

    • Conference "Political and economic union, free circulation and workers’ rights", Dr. Barros Moura e Dr. Monteiro Fernandes, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 25th February 1992.

    • Conference "Psychic life and organisation”, Prof Eugène Enriquez, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 29th January 1992.

    • Conference "The sociological foundations of human resources management”, Prof. Renaud Sainsaulieu, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 22nd January 1992.

    • Seminar "Migrations and urbanization in Portugal - concentration, scattered urbanization and dispersion", João Peixoto, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 7th January 1992.


    • Seminar "Some presuppositions of the discussion of protectionism and free-trading in Portugal in the 19th century”, João Carlos Graça, SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, 3rd December 1991.