SOCIUS Working Papers
- No. 10/2005, Sara Falcão Casaca - "Flexibility, Work and Employment – a conceptualisation essay"
- No. 09/2005, Daniela Alves de Alves - "Time-Space Flexibiliation of Work in International Society: the case of telework"
- No. 08/2005, Valmiria Piccinini - "The Work Cooperatives of Porto Alegre and Work Flexibilization"
- No. 07/2005, Joris van Wijk - "Forces to migrate from Angola to the Netherlands"
- No. 06/2005, Philippe Steiner - "The market according to economic sociology"
- No. 05/2005, José van der Kellen - "Research into aid to illegal immigration and associated criminality – the experience of the Service for Foreigners and Frontiers"
- No. 04/2005, Maria Lúcia Pinto Leal and Maria de Fátima Pinto Leal - "The trafficking of women, children and youths for the purpose of Commercial Sexual Exploitation: a Trans-National Phenomenon"
- No. 03/2005, Igor José de Renó Machado - "Implications of Immigration promoted by illegal enticement networks – The Case of Brazilians in Portugal"
- No. 02/2005, Beatriz Padilla - "Social networks of the newly-arrived Brazilians in Portugal – ethnic solidarity or ethnic empathy?"
- No. 01/2005, Beatriz Padilla - "Integration of Brazilian immigrants in Portuguese Society: Problems and Possibilities"