
Completed projects

  • CRiCity - As crianças e o seu direito à cidade: Combater a desigualdade urbana através do desenho participativo de cidades amigas das crianças

  • WoB-PT - Women on Boards: An Integrative Approach

  • Replacement Migration and Demographic Sustainability: Evolution and Future Prospects of the Portuguese Society and Economy

  • Finance Beyond Fact And Fiction: Financial Transformations In Post2008 Europe

  • Inside the State: An Ethnography of Power and Public Administration in Portugal

  • Soil Take Care: Management of soils polluted by hydrocarbons and metals in the SUDOE countries
  • Tarde Demais para Empreender? O empreendedorismo como forma de participação das pessoas com +50 anos
    Too late to undertake? Entrepreneurship as a form of participation of over 50 years old individuals
    Team: Maria João Nicolau Santos (SOCIUS/ISEG-UL), Fernando Ribeiro Mendes (SOCIUS/ISEG-UL), Catarina Seco Matos (PhD ISEG), Miguel Amaral (IST/ IN+) e Rui Baptista (IST/ CEG)
    Funding: PO Assistência Técnica FSE (QREN)
    Proponent institution: SOCIUS//ISEG-UL
    Reference: 000829402013
    Schedule: December 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014

  • Comunicação e Envolvimento Político com Questões Ambientais - COMPOLIS
    Communication and Political Engagement with Environmental Issues - COMPOLIS
    Coordination: Anabela Carvalho
    Team: Lúcia Fernandes, Sofia Bento (Researchers), 2 Research Studentships
    Funding: FCT
    Proponent institution: CECS/UM
    Participating institution: SOCIUS//ISEG-UL
    Reference: EXPL/IVC-COM/1717/2012
    Schedule: July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
    Keywords: Communication, Political Engagement, Citizenship, Environment

  • Práticas funerárias da Pré-História Recente no Baixo Alentejo e retorno sócio-económico de programas de salvamento patrimonial
    Funerary practices in Alentejo´s Recent Prehistory and socio-economic proceeds of heritage rescue projects
    Coordination: António Carlos Neves de Valera
    Team: Ana Célia Calapez Gomes, Ana Maria Gama da Silva, Gonçalo Cardoso Leite Velho, Idalina Maria Dias Sardinha, Lucy Elizabeth Shaw Evangelista, Manuel Francisco Pacheco Coelho, Maria Isabel de Deus Mendes, Nelson Daniel Broa Cabaço, Ricardo Miguel Alves Correia Godinho, Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro, Victor Manuel Simões Filipe (Researchers) and 6 Research Studentships
    Funding: FCT
    Proponent institution: IPT
    Participating institutions: ERA, CG/FCT-UC, DA/FCT-UC and SOCIUS/ISEG-UL
    Reference: PTDC/HIS-ARQ/114077/2009
    Schedule: March 1, 2011 - February 28, 2014
    Keywords: Funerary practices, Recent prehistory, Heritage enhancement model, Socio-economic impact.

  • Regresso ao futuro: a nova emigração e a relação com a sociedade portuguesa - REMIGR
    Back to the future: new emigration and links to the Portuguese society-REMIGR
    Coordination: João Peixoto
    Team: Isabel Maria Brandão Tiago de Oliveira, Joana Azevedo, Jorge Malheiros, José Carlos Laranjo Marques, Paulo Miguel Madeira, Pedro Gois (Researchers) and 2 Research Studentships
    Funding: FCT
    Proponent Institution: SOCIUS/ISEG-UL
    Participating institutions: CES, U.Coimbra, IGOT and ISCTE-IUL
    Reference: PTDC /ATP-DEM/5152/2012
    Schedule: June 1, 2013 - June 1, 2015
    Keywords: Emigration, Mobility, Demography, Transnationalism

  • Entre a escola e a família: conhecimentos e práticas alimentares das crianças em idade escolar
    Between the school and the family: children´s food knowledge and eating practices
    Coordination: Mónica Truninger de Albuquerque
    Team: (Main Researcher), Ana Maria do Rosário Rei Silva Horta, Silvia Cristina Pena Alexandre Cardoso, Vanda Aparecida da Silva (Researchers) and 1 Research Studentship
    Proponent institution: ICS-UL
    Participating institution: SOCIUS/ISEG-UL
    Reference: PTDC/CS-SOC/111214/2009
    Schedule: April 1, 2011 - March 31, 2014
    Keywords: School meals, Children, Health, Food practices and knowledge

  • COPP-LAB: Circulações de Polícias em Portugal, África Lusóphona e Brasil
    COPP-LAB: Circulations of Cops in Portugal, Africa and Brazil
    Coordination: Susana Durão
    Team: 7 Researchers and 3 Research Studentships
    Proponent institution: ICS-UL
    Participating institution: SOCIUS/ISEG-UL
    Reference: PTDC/IVC-ANT/5314/2012
    Schedule: April 15, 2013 - April 14, 2015

  • MOSCA - Movimento Social Crítico e Alternativo – Memórias e Referências
    Coordenação: João Freire (CIES) Equipa: José Maria Carvalho Ferreira (SOCIUS), Maria Alexandra Lousada, Maria Manuela Parreira Silva, António Cândido Franco, Paulo Eduardo Guimarães e Paulo Miguel Torres Duarte Quaresma Financiamento: FCT Instituição Proponente: CIES/ISCTE Instituições participantes: SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL, GEG/FL/UL, FCSH/UNL, NICPR/UM, U.Évora e BNP Referências: PTDC/CPJ-CPO/098500/2008 Calendarização: 01-02-2010 a 02-02-2013

  • Contribuição da Responsabilidade Social das Empresas para o desenvolvimento Sustentável
    Coordenação: Idalina Maria Dias Sardinha (SOCIUS) Equipa: Maria Isabel Mendes (SOCIUS), Pedro Verga Matos, Júlia Carolino, Sérgio Milheiras (SOCIUS), Daniela Craveiro (SOCIUS), Bart Krutwagen, Jorgen Primdahl, Marisa Marques (SOCIUS) Financiamento: FCT Instituição Proponente: SOCIUS/ISEG Referência: PTDC/AAC-AMB/103907/2008 Calendarização: 01-04-2010 a 30-06-2013 Palavras-chave: Responsabilidade Social das Empresas; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; reabilitação de minas abandonadas

  • AQUIMED- Concepção participada de estratégias e instrumentos de gestão adaptativa dos recursos hídricos subterrâneos nas regiões costeiras Mediterrânicas sujeitas a stress hídrico, em resposta às alterações climáticas (CIRCLE-ERA-NET)
    Equipa Portuguesa: Sofia Bento (SOCIUS), Marta Varanda (ICS), Susana Pescada (SOCIUS) Luisa Schimdt (ICS) e Pedro Prista (ISCTE) Parcerias: CIRAD (France), SOCIUS (Portugal), BRGM (France), CEMAGREF (France), Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture (Morocco), UMR G-Eau (France), Lisode (France)

  • Rede do Conhecimento e Conhecimento em Rede - Cooperação Transnacional em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações
    Coordenação Equipa Portuguesa: José Maria Carvalho Ferreira (SOCIUS) Coordenação Equipa Brasileira: Pedro António de Melo Financiamento: CAPES/ FCT Instituições: SOCIUS/ISEG e INPEAU, UFSC Referência: Convénio CAPES/ FCT nº 250/09

  • Evasão Fiscal, Evitamento Fiscal e Cumprimento Fiscal: Factores Individuais, Económicos e Sociais Coordenação: João Carlos Graça (SOCIUS) Equipa: Investigadores, António Carlos dos Santos, Catarina Frade, Cidália Lopes, Cláudia Lopes, Filomena Garcia (UECE), Helena Carvalho, João Carlos Lopes, Rafael Marques (SOCIUS), Rita Raposo (SOCIUS). Bolseiros de Investigação Científica, Brigitte Ferreira, Cláudia Niza e Nuno Machado Financiamento: FCT Referência: PTDC/CS-SOC/102706/2008

  • Organizações, trabalho e sociabilidade no contexto da mundialização: integração de estudos em Moçambique, Angola, Portugal e Brasil (Amazónia) Coordenação: Cristina Maneschy (UFPA/ PPGCS) Equipa: Ida Lenir Gonçalves (Faculdade do Pará, Angélica Alberto (UFPA/PPGCS), José Maria Carvalho Ferreira (SOCIUS), Ana Calapez Gomes (SOCIUS), Bernadete Bittencourt (SOCIUS), Feliciano Mira (ISCTME) e João Lukombo (Universidade Agostinho Neto). Financiamento: CNPQ (Brasil) Parcerias: Faculdade do Pará, UFPA/PPGCS, SOCIUS/ISEG, ISCTME e Universidade Agostinho Neto Referência: Calendarização: 2008-2010

  • Mediterranean and Eastern European countries as new immigration destinations in the European Union Coordenação: Centre of Migration Research (CMR), Warsaw University (Poland) Financiamento: Comissão Europeia Instituições Participantes: Laboratoire d'Analyse des Systemes Politiques (LASP), Université Paris (France), Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPSP), National Research Council (Italy), Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (HFE) (Greece), Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset (IUIOG) (Spain), IOM, Central European Forum for Migration Research (CEFMR), Warsaw (Poland), Centre for International Migration and Refugee Studies (CIMRS), Institute of Ethnic and National Minority Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary), SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL (Portugal), Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie (LAMES), CNRS, Université de Provence (France), Institute for Urban and Regional Referência: IDEA-044446/CIS8 Calendarização: 2007-2009

  • As características da imigração em Portugal e os seus efeitos no comércio bilateral Coordenação: Horácio Faustino (SOCIUS) Equipa: João Peixoto (SOCIUS) Financiamento: ACIDI Calendarização: 01-10-2007

  • Sindicatos e Imigração em Portugal Coordenação: João Peixoto (SOCIUS) Equipa: Marina Kolarova Financiamento: ACIDI Calendarização: 01-10-2007

  • Vagas Atlânticas: a Imigração Brasileira em Portugal Coordenação: João Peixoto (SOCIUS) Equipa: Maria Ioannis Baganha (CES/FEUC) e Beatriz Padilla (CIES/ISCTE). Financiamento: FCT Instituições: SOCIUS/ISEG, CES/FEUC e CIES/ISCTE Referência: PTDC/SDE/68903/2006 Calendarização: 01-01-2008

  • Mudança do Emprego e Relações de Género: cruzando quatro eixos de análise (género, classe, idade e etnicidade) Coordenação: Sara Falcão Casaca (SOCIUS) Equipa: João Peixoto (SOCIUS), Elísio Estanque (CES-FEUC), Sónia Damião (ISEG-UTL) Financiamento: FCT Instituição Proponente: SOCIUS/ISEG Parcerias: CES/FEUC Referência: PTDC/SDE/66515/2006 Calendarização: 01-09-2007

  • MOBIScience - Mobilidade dos cientistas em Portugal: trajectórias e circulação de conhecimento
    Coordenação: Emília Rodrigues Araújo (CICS) Equipa: Luísa Henriques (FCT-UNL), Margarida Fontes (DINAMIA-ISCTE/IUL), Sofia Coelho Bento (ISEG-UTL) Instituição Proponente: Universidade do Minho (UM) Instituições Participantes: DINÂMIA, SOCIUS/ISEG,CISEP/ISEG Calendarização: 2007-2012

  • Performativity and Economics Students
    Project funded by SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL besides Pluri-annual FCT Funding. Coordinator Prof. Rita Raposo, participant scholarship-holder Diogo Cotta. Began on 1st June 2007 and concluded on 1st June 2008.

  • Economic Values, Beliefs and Modes of Behaviour / Values, Beliefs and Economic Modes of Behaviour
    Project (PTDC/SDE/73494/2006) funded by the FCT, involving the following researchers: Joint co-ordination, Prof. José Pereirinha (CISEP ISEG-UTL), Prof. João Carlos Graça (SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL) Prof. Rafael Marques (SOCIUS/ISEG-UTL), Prof. Francisco Nunes (CISEP-ISEG), Prof. Helena Carvalho (CIES-ISCTE). To begin on 1st September 2007.

  • "The Development of Entrepreneurial Responsibility for Business Enterprises in Portugal”
    Project (2004/EQUAL/AZ/AD/242) in partnership with RSE, AIP and ACEP, funded by the FSE and the EQUAL community initiative. Coordinator Prof. Maria João Santos. Date begun 1st October 2005.

  • “Development and Technology Transfer in the Portuguese Automotive Industry (1960-1990)"
    Project (POCI/HCT/61348/2004) funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, coordinated by Prof. Rafael Marques, with the participation of scholarship holder Maria Luísa da Costa Coelho de Oliveira e Sousa. Began in October 2005 and concluded in January 2008.

  • Factors determining a Scholar’s successful pursuit or dropping out of Higher Education in Portugal: A Comparative Analysis.
    Project (POCI/C/04.01.02/0284/0001/2006) funded by the POCI 2010, evaluated and approved in an FCT contest. It arises from the setting up of a consortium involving the CES (Centre for Social Studies, School of Economics of the University of Coimbra, SOCIUS (Research Centre in Economic and Organisational Sociology) the ISEG (School of Economics and Management) of The Technical University of Lisbon and the CIS (Centre for Research and Social Intervention of the ISCTE. Project began on 1st June 2007. Coordinating body responsible the CES. CES coordinator, Prof. José Manuel Mendes, Prof. António Caetano CIS coordinator and Prof. José Maria Carvalho Ferreira SOCIUS coordinator.

  • "Honor, Social Codes and Civilization: Duels in Portugal (XV to XX Century)".
    Project funded by the SOCIUS/ISEG and Foundation for Science and Technology and coordinated by Prof. Rafael Marques. Participant: Dr. Maria Pires Marques. It began on 1 April, 2007.

  • "Society of Trust: The Social Construction of Trust in Portugal”.
    Project (POCTI/SOC/47666/2002) funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology and coordinated by Prof. José Maria Carvalho Ferreira. The research group consisted of the following researchers: José Maria Carvalho Ferreira, João Peixoto, João Carlos Graça, Rafael Marques, João Carlos Ferreira Lopes and lecturers Rita Raposo, Helena Serra, Marta Varanda e Helena Jerónimo. It began on 3rd November 2003 and was concluded on 3rd May 2007.

  • “Women Migrants: Work Trajectories and Socio-Economic Forms of Insertion of Female Immigrants in Portugal”
    Project funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology / CIDM, coordinated by Prof. João Peixoto. Running period: 2004-2005.

  • "Sustained Development and the Responsible Business Enterprise (Best Practices and Benchmarking)".
    Project submitted to the Ministry of Social Security and Work, coordinated by Prof Maria João Santos. Approved in January 2003.

  • “Study of the Trajectory of the Alqueva Dam: For an analysis of the technological controversies”.
    Project (POCTI-HCT-49408-2002) funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology. Coordinator Sofia Bento. Began on 1st June 2003 and concluded on 31st May 2007.

  • “Technical-Organisational Changes, Work and Labour Relations in Brazil and Portugal” ICCTI/CAPES Agreement. Project work integrated in the agreement on cooperation between SOCIUS researchers and researchers of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, resulting from an Agreement signed by ICCTI/CAPES.
    Project coordinator Prof. Ilona Kóvacs, participants Prof. José Maria Carvalho Ferreira, Prof. António Brandão Moniz, Prof. Maria João Santos and Prof. Sara Falcão Casaca.

  • “The Traffic of Migrants in Portugal: Sociological, Juridical and Political Perspectives”
    Project funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology/ACIME, coordinator Prof. João Peixoto. Duration: 2004.

  • Women and Science: mobilizing women in order to enrich European research”, European Commission, 2002 Project developed at SOCIUS, in liaison with the High level STRATA ETAN Expert Group of the European Commission.
    Project coordinated by the University of Brussels, Belgium. Concluded in 2002

  • “Flexible Forms of Work and Employment: Risks and Opportunities”
    Research project (POCTI/33042/SOC/2000) funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (nº 33042/99). Coordinator Prof. Iloona Kováca. Duration: 2002-2004.

  • “The Political Economy of Migration in an Integrating Europe”
    Research project funded by the European Commission, under the the European Union Framework Programme , coordinated by Prof. Maria Ioannis Baganha from the Centre for Social Studies of the School of Economics of the University of Coimbra. Besides other researchers, Prof. Peixoto also participates on behalf of SOCIUS. Duration 2000-2004

  • “New Financial Information Systems in the IGFSS”
    Research project, jointly developed with the Institute of Financial Management of Social Security. Its objective to study implementation of new financial systems in the IGFSS. Coordinator Prof. António Carlos Santos. Duration: 2001-2002.

  • “New Landscapes: a case study on the closed condominiums in the area of Greater Lisbon”
    Research project funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Praxis/P/SOC/11119/1998). Coordinator Prof. Carvalho Ferreira; research participant: Dr Rita Raposo. Duration: 1999-2001.

  • “Collective Mobilization and Inter-Organisational Cooperation in the case of Commercial Urbanism Projects”
    Research project funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Praxis/P/SOC/11124/1998). Coordinators Prof. Emmanuel Lazega and Dr Marta Varanda. Duration: 1999-2001.

  • “Globalization: National and International Dynamics of Integration and Social Exclusion” – ICCTI/CAPES Agreement
    From 1998 research work took place as part of the agreement on cooperation between SOCIUS researchers and researchers of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Post-Graduation Programme in Political Sociology), Florianópolis, Brazil, following an Agreement jointly signed by ICCTI (Portugal) and CAPES (Brazil) (Process nº 423/CAPES). The period covered by the Agreement was1998-2000. The Portuguese team consisted of Prof. José Maria Carvalho Ferreira, Prof. Ilona Kovacs, Prof. António Garcia Pereira, Dr Maria João Santos Camilo, Dr Sofia Bento, Prof. João Peixoto and Dr António Bento. Duration 2001-2004

  • “Partnet Project: Civil Dialogue and Campaign against Social Exclusion” – Aid to cooperation among solidarity associations, budget line B3-4101” –VP/199913 – Civil Dialogue (version 2)
    International Project funded by the DGV of the European Commission, coordinated by INDE (Inter-Cooperation and Development), with the participation of SOCIUS and other European partners. Duration 1999-2000.

  • “Observatory on Consumption of the Municipality of Loures” (CIAC)
    Research project funded by the Municipality of Loures. Coordinator Prof. José Maria Carvalho Ferreira; principal researcher: Dr José Luís Félix, associate member of SOCIUS.Duration:2000-2001.

  • “NEWMOD-Automotive Industry”: national information network on research into the automotive sector, with the cooperation of the FCT-UNJL, ISCTE and CEG-FLUL.
    Coordinator Prof. Ilona Kovács, supporting team Dr Maria João Santos and Dr Sara Falcão Casaca "

  • “Simulation of Technical-Organisational Development for Complex Production Environments” (Praxis Project, area of Engineering Sciences)
    Project approved in 1997, begun in 1998 and concluded in 2000. Developed inpartnership with UNINOVA (FCT/UNL) and INESC (Oporto). The SOCIUS team involved in the project consisted of Prof. Ilona Kovács as coordinator, with Dr Sofia Bento and Dr Sara Falcão Casaca.

  • “Study on the influence of the Information Society on Employment”
    Project funded by the General Headquarters for Employment and Vocational Training (DGEFP) – Ministry of Labour and Solidarity. In keeping with the framework of measures designed to accompany the Green Book for the Information Society. Project jointly conducted by UNINOVA FCT/UNL and SOCIUS, and coordinated by Prof. António Brandão Moniz. Research team Prof. Ilona Kovács, Prof. João Peixoto, Prof. Maria da Conceição Cerdeira, Prof. Paula Urze and Dr Claúdia Teixeira Gomes.

  • “Women who Work at Home: Diagnosis of the Situation and Alternatives”
    Research project funded by the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), approved in 1996 and running in 1998-1999 (Pessoa Programme nº 63/96). Coordinator Dr Anne Marie Delettrez (Associate member of SOCIUS).

  • “Organisational Culture and Introduction to New Information Technologies for Collaborative Work: Groupware as a Tool to Support the Modernisation and Competitiveness of Organisations”
    Project conducted by INETI/CITI, with the collaboration of SOCIUS, funded by the Praxis XXI Programme for 1997-1998 (Praxis/2/2. 1/CHS/652/95).

  • “Survey of the Supply of Qualifying Training”
    Research project funded by the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), which ran in 1997. Coordinator Prof. Mário Bairrada

  • “Internal and International Migrations of Senior Executives in Portugal”
    Project funded by the JNICT/DGOT, operating in 1995-1996. Undertaken with the collaboration of CIRIUS – the Centre for Regional and Urban Studies, an ISEG/UTL research unit. Research team headed by Prof. Carvalho Ferreira; researchers Dr João Peixoto (SOCIUS/ISEG); Dr Sara Vilas (CIRIUS/ISEG); Dr Artur Neves (SOCIUS/ISEG).

  • “Evolution of Qualifications and Training Structures: Obstacles and Needs”
    Research project funded by the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), commissioned by the AIP – Portuguese Industrial Association/Portuguese Association of Industry for the 1994-1995 period. Project undertaken in collaboration with UNINOVA and FCT/UNL. Project coordinators: Dr Ilona Kovács and Prof. António Brandão Moniz. Among others, the technical team involved various SOCIUS members, namely Prof. Márioa Bairrada, Prof. Maria da Conceição Cerdeira, Dr Maria João Santos and Dr Sofia Coelho Bento. Conclusion of this project led to publication of various articles and the book “Evolution of Qualifications and Training Structures in Portugal” (IEFP, ‘Estudos’ collection, 1st edition: 1997, 436 pp.).

  • New Production Models in the Portuguese Industry”
    Between 1993 and 1996 two integrated research projects took place:
    • the first, entitled “Technological and Organizational Change in Industry”, was approved and financed by the FISEG/Fund for the Support of ISEG Research. Research team: researcher responsible: Prof. Ilona Kovács; other researchers: Prof. José Maria Carvalho Ferreira and Dr Maria João Santos Camilo. Duration: 1993-1994.
    • The second, entitled “New Production Models in Portuguese Industry: Case Studies”, funded by the JNICT, involving a partnership with UNINOVA-CR. The project operated through 1994-1997, and led to the publication of several academic dissertations, articles in journals and books. Research team: researcher responsible Prof. Ilona Kovács; other researchers, Prof. José Maria Carvalho Ferreira, Prof. António Brandão Moniz, Dr Maria João Santos Camilo, Eng. Luís Gomes, Dr Maria da Concaição Cerdeira, among others.

  • “Organisation and Control”
    Research Project designed to produce a support manual for the subject “Organisation and Control”, in the “Export Strategies” course organised by CEDIN – The Centre for Studies in International Economics at ISEG. Project coordinator Prof. José Maria Carvalho Ferreira Collaborators two other members of SOCIUS: Dr Rita Raposo and Dr Rafael Marques. Participation of two external consultants: Prof. Eugène and Dr Francisco Rocha. Duration of the project January 1991-December 1992, culminating in the publication of a book bearing the same title.

    Other projects

  • "Computerisation of the Work Flows in the Department of Urban Management of Évora’s Town Hall".

  • "Groupware Implementation at CITI/INETI” (INETI/CITI and SOCIUS)".

  • "Organizational Development in the Health Services Centre of Amora" (CSA/SOCIUS).